Getting Started with JBuddyTM
Please note:JBuddy SDK is a powerful Java API for communicating with popular instant message and presence internet services with a simple, generic interface. Adding JBuddy technology to an application can take as few as a dozen lines of code! This document describes the process of integrating JBuddy technology into an existing application.
I. Adding a Call-Back Mechanism
At least one class must implement the IGateway interface. This provides a call-back mechanism for messages from the IM server to be received. Any class that implements the IGateway must define the following methods.
incomingMessage(IClient client, IMessage msg)
adminMessage(IClient client, IMessage msg)
incomingBuddy(IClient client, IBuddy buddy)
connectionLost(IClient client, String reason)
II. Creating a IClient Instance
A valid screen name and password and network access is required to use an IM service. With JBuddy SDK, connections to the IM service are managed through IClient instances. JBuddy supports both public and enterprise IM solutions. In version 6, JBuddy connects to eight popular IM services: AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), ICQ, Microsoft Messenger (MSN), and Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM), Google Talk (XMPP), Lotus Sametime, Microsoft LCS/OCS, Jabber (XMPP), and JBuddy Message Server. To create an IClient, call the IClientFactory's factory method with the appropriate arguments. For example, this is how an AIM client would be created with IClientFactory:
IClient myAimClient = IClientFactory.factory(myGateway, IClient.AIM, "myAIMUserName", "myAIMPassword");
To create a instance of a ICQ, MSN, YIM client, Google Talk, Lotus Sametime, Microsoft LCS/OCS, Jabber, or JBuddy Message Server simply substitute IClient.ICQ, IClient.MSN, or IClient.YIM, IClient.JABBER, IClient.SAMETIME, IClient.LCS, IClient.JABBER, or IClient.JSC for IClient.AIM, respectively.
III. Connecting to the IM Server
To connect to the IM Server simply call connect() on the client. After a successful return from connect(), no further methods should be invoked on the JBuddy API except iclient's isOnline(). Once isOnline() returns true(), the iclient is ready for use. Note: during the sign on process and before isOnline() returns true, the IGateway's callbacks may be called such as when the iclient's buddy list is retrieved. The developer should NOT use the callback thread for invoking the JBuddy API methods and must not perform any 'expensive' operations that would delay the callback from returning since the callback thread is the socket listener's thread for some of the IM protocols.
IV. Sending an Instant Message
To send an Instant Message, simply call sendIM(recipientUserId, message) on the client or use sendMessage() to send rich formatted text. Note: do not send any IMs for at least a few seconds after signing on a client since some IM protocols such as AIM are sensitive to misuse.
myAimClient.sendIM(recipientUserId, message);
V. Disconnecting from the IM Server
To disconnect to the IM Server simply call disconnect() on the client. If you just sent a message you should avoid disconnecting for a few seconds so that the IM server will process your request and not disregard it as misuse.
VI. Summary
are many other features in JBuddy SDK that are not listed here that can be added to an application. Refer to
the demonstration examples and the JBuddy Java API documentation found in the javadocs folder. Also don't overlook the power and simplicity of the JBuddyBots Framework. With this
Bot Framework you can quickly create an interactive IM application with simple XML.
JBuddy is a trademark of Zion Software, LLC in the US and other countries.
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All Rights Reserved.